Mike Laurencelle

I'm a SharePoint & Server Systems Administrator for Sears Home Improvement Products, headquartered in sunny Longwood, Florida. My primary functions revolve around SharePoint and Virtualization technologies.

I've been in the IT industry now for about 18 years. For me, IT is more than a job to make a living, more than a career to call my own. It's my passion. I am a self proclaimed geek and have interest in all things technology. I can't imagine being in any other field - I absolutely love what I do.

Deploying a PerformancePoint dashboard to SharePoint 2010


Posted on : 12:42 AM | By : Mike Laurencelle | In : ,

When you create a new Enterprise Business Intelligence site in SharePoint 2010 and enable PerformancePoint site collection & site features, there is something that is unfortunately missing by default - a Dashboard Library. Where this becomes evident is when you are trying to deploy your first dashboard.

So, you've created your first dashboard and you're all excited to see it in action and see what the new PerformancePoint Services 2010 are really capable of. You right-click on your dashboard in Dashboard Designer and click Deploy to SharePoint. Then the Deploy To box pops us and.....it's empty. Did we do something wrong? Did we miss something? Is it waiting to populate with something? It turns out that the Deploy To box is filtering the list of available libraries in your site that you can deploy your newly made dashboard to. And, since none are created by default and you didn't create one beforehand, nothing shows up in the box.

How do we fix this? Easy! Go back to your site and click:
  1. Site Actions
  2. More Options
  3. Library
  4. Dashboards Library

Enter a name for your new library and click Create. Now, go back to Dashboard Designer and try to deploy your dashboard. Once the Deploy To box pops up, you'll see your newly created Dashboard Library that you can deploy your dashboard to.